This is going to be a list of reasons why Trump shouldn't be elected again.
Im going to get right into it
Let's start with Trump's economy
1. Lets start with Trumps tax cuts. They didn't work
1A. 83% of the tax cuts went to the 1%
This is a devastating fact. Like politicians have been doing since Reagan took office Trump and the Republicans gave money to the rich. This tax cuts like the saying says made the rich richer and the poor poorer. The Republicans sold the tax cuts with the idea that they would close the loopholes so they end up paying more. They didn't. When asked what loopholes did they close they have failed to answer because they closed none. Instead they took away deductibles that the middle class relied on. This made some pay more in taxes then they did before.
1B. Added 1.9 trillion dollars into our deficit
The Republicans had no way of paying for these tax cuts but no one bothered to ask them. No one bothered to ask Republicans how they were going to pay for the tax cuts. They ask how the Democrats are going to pay for Medicare for all, or the Green New Deal. I want to know why its a policy to help the middle class they ask how but when its a policy to help the rich no one ask how. Why did no one ask how the Republicans were going go to pay for the tax cuts or the Iraq War?
1C. Didn't grow the economy at all
This is a actual quote from the report "On the whole, the growth effects tend to show a relatively small (if any) first-year effect on the economy." This shows that the tax cuts did nothing to the economy. While if you look at actual growth it just continued the same rate as it did under Obama.
Trump economy shows no spike at all just a continuation of Obama economy as this graph shows before that tax cuts and as the report says its the same after the tax cuts.
1D. Didn't grow wages
The report finds that wages only grew at most 1.2% and with little proof that it had to do with the tax cuts. The report says "The real wage rate for production and non-supervisory workers grew by only 1.2%." This just following the trend of the last 4 decades under supply side economics. wages only growing at most barely keeping up with inflation.
1E. Did not grow abroad investments
The report says "The data do not appear to show a significant increase in investment flows from abroad." Money didn't come back to our country.
1F. It increased wages for CEO not workers
Of course corporations used the money to increase the salary of their CEO not their workers. This shows corporate greed. They just want more money not pay their workers a decent wage. They don't care about the average American. Trump just gave his buddies some extra cash not help the average American. The report says "While evidence does indicate significant repurchases of shares, either from tax cuts or repatriated revenues, relatively little was directed to paying workers bonuses which had been announced by some firms."
2. Trump Economy isn't because of Trump
2A. Trump Economy has just followed Obama Economy
There has been no spike in the economy following trump took office. it literally followed the same path no change at all. This graph shows it perfectly
2B. Every other country economy is the same
The USA unemployment rate is 3.7%.
The United Kingdom Unemployment rate is 3.8%
Germany is 3.8%
Denmark is 3.7%
Norway is 3.2%
Belgium is 5.5%
Every other country has recovered drastically
Spain went from 20% to 14%
Portugal from 11% to 7%
Look every other country is recovering in there own pace and way. the USA isn't the only country with a good economy. Our economy has nothing to do with Trump its just how the world economy has been going with a mix of Obama economy continuing.
3. He doesn't see the actual economy
He doesn't see that the economy is terrible for the average American. He only sees that the stock market and his rich buddies are doing good. He doesn't see that consumer debt has risen drastically. That most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. He doesn't see that millions of Americans are working multiple jobs. He doesn't see that millions cant afford healthcare. He doesn't see the 45 million that can't afford to do anything because of there student loans
4. He got rid of DACA
Trump got rid of DACA which protected alot of undocumented migrants that came to this country young. These are people who grew up in America and most don't remember there countries. Some escaping violence in there countries. They grew up going to school and following the American dream. They go to college and get jobs afterwards. They pay taxes and to qualify they need to have a clean record. Most of these kids are more American than most native born in this country. Now Trump is punishing them for their parents decision
5. Illegal crossing has expanded because of Trump
5A. He got rid of the financial help to Latin America
The Obama administration started giving money to some Latin America countries especially to the Northern Triangle countries. This funding helped the economy of these countries. This help proved to cut illegal crossings but when Trump got rid of that funding the crossings skyrocketed. Even then crossings is a 46 year low.
5B. He closed port of entry to asylum seekers
He closed port of entries to asylum seekers which is illegal in both USA and International Law. The asylum seekers are not allowed to make their claim in the port of entries like they are supposed to so they out of desperation cross the border and then make the claim. Now in both USA and International Law this is 100% legal for someone to come to a country and seek asylum. They are not breaking any laws no matter how many times Trump says they are.
6. He created Concentration Camps in our country
He has created what can only be described as concentration camps. First children are kidnapped from their parents and forced to take care of each other in abusive conditions. Everyone is put into crowded rooms where there is no room to move. They have to sleep on concrete with aluminum foil as a blanket. They have no baths, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, no change of cloth. They are left in cages sometimes with no running water told to drink from the toilet. They are given little food. This is a concentration camp created by Donald J. Trump. We were disgusted by the images of the holocaust and we said never again. Why would then we decide to create them in our country. Its pretty simple this racist monster we call our president started dehumanized them calling them animals. Some Americans started to follow him in this racism and now some people don't see humans in pain and need. They see animals because of the monster that we have as a President.
7. He is trying to start a war with Iran
Trump got rid of the Iran nuclear deal and put sanctions on Iran. The deal wasn't perfect but it made sure that Iran didn't get nuclear war or got us into a war with them. We needed to keep working with them to stop all the problems not destroy the deal. Even with the sanctions Iran followed the deal until they couldn't anymore. Trump created a mess and then wanted to start a war that would be costly and kill thousands of Americans like the Iraq war did because he made a mess instead of fixing the problems
8. His trade war has hurt Americans farmers
His tariff on China has increased prices on goods from china especially the goods that farmers relied on. This has made alot of farmers struggle more than they already were. Some have had to take another job to help cover the rising cost because of our president
9. He has embolden white nationalist
His racism has embolden the KKK and Neo Nazi to show their faces again. This got even worse after Charlottesville protest were after a group of Neo Nazis and KKK members had a rally and killed someone having charging there car into a group of people protesting the rally. Trump instead of quickly coming out and detesting the white nationalist, he comes out saying they were fine people. He says its because they were some people in the group protesting a removal of a statue. If you stand with a group yelling "the Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil" both Nazi chants and don't leave its because you are with them. Trump called these people after killing someone fine people. Anyone that says that White Nationalist that killed someone a fine people shouldn't be president. Of course after this White Nationalist got embolden even more like committing multiple shooting, mailing bombs, planing to kill Trump's opponents. Many quoting or mentioning him in why doing it. Hate crimes to Muslims, Jews, and Migrants have risen under his presidency and he has made things even worse.
10. He pushed away our allies and gotten closer to dictators
He has single-handedly hurt our alliances that we have had for decades. He has made our allies not trust us. He got closer instead to our enemies like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Both dictators that hurt there people. He has made us vulnerable getting closer to these people and killing our alliances
11. He has left us vulnerable to the single worse threat in the world Climate Change
He doesn't believe in climate change. He has gotten rid of alot of Obama regulations and left the Paris climate agreement. We don't have time to have another 4 years of a president that doesn't believe in climate change. Especially with scientist saying we have till 2030 to cut 60% and till 2050 to cut 100% worse before its too late. This can be the extinction of everything on the planet.
12. He has attacked our media
Freedom of press is a key factor to how our democracy. Our media wasn't perfect and had its bias but it being attacked is a attack to our democracy. This is what dictators do not presidents. This hurts our democracy each time this continues.
13. He tried to work with Russia to steal the election
He tried to work with the Russians even Robert Muller agreed to this in the Muller report. First he invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton email. They did starting 5 hours later. Was it a joke probably but you don't invite the USA greatest enemy to attack our democracy. Second Donald Trump Jr. went to a meeting with some Russian official who promised some damaging information about Hillary Clinton. He did not get any but still tried to work with Russians and did not call the FBI. He even says that if a country tried to give him info in the next election he would listen to it. Showing he didn't learn because he knows he can break any law and get away with it. The entire campaign he was trying to make a trump tower in Russia. This is in the Muller report who was written by Robert Muller a Republican that is trusted by both Bush and Obama. None of this is counting that Trump has acting shady each time something Russia is acting.
14. Trump obstructed Justice 10 times
Trump tried to obstruct justice 10 different times. He tried to kill or control the special counsel 10 different times. Trump ordered multiple people to do so. He ordered James Comey to end the investigation who refused and got fired. He ordered Michael Flynn to do it who also refused. He also asked him to take it over but also refused. He ordered Don McGahn to do it but he decided to resign instead. A president cant stop a investigation into himself. This is a abuse of power and a crime. Mueller because of a rule by the Department of Justice that they can't charge a sitting president didn't say that Trump was guilty leaving it to Congress but quickly say it did not exonerate him. This shows that Mueller at least believes there is enough to impeach him.
These are just 14 reasons with many more but I will end it there
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