Trump's tax cuts were a failure according a report by the Congressional Research Service. This is suppose to be Trump's biggest achievement and it was a failure like his presidency. It also stands to prove that Supply Side Economics is a failure and doesnt work. Tax cuts dont help the average person they just give money to the rich.
1. 83% of the tax cuts went to the 1%
This is a devastating fact. Like politicians have been doing since Reagan took office Trump and the Republicans gave money to the rich. This tax cuts like the saying says made the rich richer and the poor poorer. The Republicans sold the tax cuts with the idea that they would close the loopholes so they end up paying more. They didn't. When asked what loopholes did they close they have failed to answer because they closed none. Instead they took away deductibles that the middle class relied on. This made some pay more in taxes then they did before.
2. Added 1.9 trillion dollars into our deficit
The Republicans had no way of paying for these tax cuts but no one bothered to ask them. No one bothered to ask Republicans how they were going to pay for the tax cuts. They ask how the Democrats are going to pay for Medicare for all, or the Green New Deal. I want to know why its a policy to help the middle class they ask how but when its a policy to help the rich no one ask how. Why did no one ask how the Republicans were going go to pay for the tax cuts or the Iraq War?
3. Didn't grow the economy at all
This is a actual quote from the report "On the whole, the growth effects tend to show a relatively small (if any) first-year effect
on the economy." This shows that the tax cuts did nothing to the economy. While if you look at actual growth it just continued the same rate as it did under Obama.
Trump economy shows no spike at all just a continuation of Obama economy as this graph shows before that tax cuts and as the report says its the same after the tax cuts.
4. Didn't grow wages
The report finds that wages only grew at most 1.2% and with little proof that it had to do with the tax cuts. The report says "The real wage rate for production and non-supervisory workers grew by only 1.2%." This just following the trend of the last 4 decades under supply side economics. wages only growing at most barely keeping up with inflation.
5. Did not grow abroad investments
The report says "The data do not appear to show a significant increase in investment flows from abroad." Money didn't come back to our country.
6. It increased wages for CEO not workers
Of course corporations used the money to increase the salary of their CEO not their workers. This shows corporate greed. They just want more money not pay their workers a decent wage. They don't care about the average American. Trump just gave his buddies some extra cash not help the average American. The report says "While evidence does indicate significant repurchases of shares, either from tax cuts or repatriated revenues, relatively little was directed to paying workers bonuses which had been announced by some firms."
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