Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Climate Change Apocalypse: 2050 Part 2

     This is the second part of an analysis of the report of the climate change report. You might need to read the first part to have a complete understanding of what the report is saying. I will also put a link to the actual report on the bottom of this post

     By 2050, We would have passed the point that the west Antarctic Ice Sheet and summer Arctic ice would have melt even before 1.5 degrees Celsius. We would have melted the Greenland ice before 2 degrees Celsius. We would lose large amount of permafrost and large scale of the Amazon having drought by the time we reach 2.5 degrees Celsius. By 2050, the sea level would raise by .5 meters and by 2100 by 2 or 3 meters but figures show it will eventually raise by 25 or more meters. We will also have 35% of the earth land area have more than 20 days a year where it would be too hot to have humans living there. That would leave 55% of the human population living in area that one day may be uninhabitable.

     We have also seen the Jet Stream be destabilize. This has caused monsoons in Asia and west African will change it's intensity and it's distribution. It also slowed down the Gulf Stream which Europe depends on as a life support system. North America is suffering extreme weather events including wildfires, heatwaves, drought and floods. Asia has loss a large amount of water in it's rivers because of glacier loss in Himalayas. Glaciers loss in the Andes has reached 70%. Central America and Mexico has it's rain fall cut by half. 30% of the earth land will become extremely dry or Aridification. Deserfication or the process of fertile land becoming desert will become intense in southern Africa, the southern Mediterranean, west Asia, the Middle East, inland Australia and across the south-western United States These are all examples of Climate Change impacts that will become more intense especially by 2050.

     The report says some of the impacts of climate change. First it says that there will be a number of ecosystem will crumble. This includes the Amazon rain forest and the Arctic. Mind you the Amazon rain forest is known as the lungs of the earth. This is extremely important to sustain live on earth. Any country that can not afford to give air conditioning will become unlivable. Deadly heat conditions will last more than 100 days in West Africa, tropical South America, the Middle East and South-East Asia. This would make more than a billion people to move or die. This would cause mas migrations or mass death. There would be also large amount of water shortages affecting 2 billion people. Most places in the world would see large amount of food loss and extreme weather events. We would not be able to feed the entire population of the planet and food prices will probably skyrocket. We will see a 20% of decline of crop yield. In the end just 2 degrees would make at least 1 billion people. The report saying that the destruction is beyond that is possible to scale but enough to end human civilization.

    The report also gives some policy recommendation that I will go through. First we have to recognize the limits of climate research and how its not showing the real destruction that climate change can cause. Using that info we need to adopt one of those scenarios and built policy and defense using those scenarios. Then we have to change our infrastructure and economy to built a zero emission infrastructure and economy. To do so we need an emergency mobilization of our labor and resources to protect our civilization in the scale of world war 2. This sounds to me like somewhat like the Green New Deal.

     In the end of the day we are facing an extinction level crisis that every year a scientist saying that they were wrong in the previous year its actually worse than we thought. That's why need an emergency mobilization of our infrastructure to create a zero emission economy as fast as possible. Some plans say 2050 but I'm a big supporter of pushing for 2030 because the sooner the better so we can cut emissions as fast as possible to stop the destruction of our planet and our civilization because this will affect me and my friends. The end of the day no matter political party or believe climate change should be the biggest issue in the 2020 election. We need to solve this problem before it's too late.


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