Sunday, June 16, 2019

Climate Change Apocalypse: 2050 Part 1

We have till 2050 before it's too late

Climate Change

      A new report by a think tank stating that we can start seeing some of the worst effect of climate change by 2050. Before I even start, I have to ask the question why aren't all news organizations talking about this till their blue in the face. Why are we wasting all this time about Trump if we are looking down a barrel of a loaded gun? Why do we pretend that climate change is not a real thing? If Russia said tomorrow that they will drop nuclear bomb on us and 98 of the top generals and military experts said that its a real threat what would you do if the president said it was a fake news. 
      Moving on to the report, it finds that we might see some of the worst effects of climate change as early as 2050. One quote that sticks out is "a disturbing picture of the real possibility that human life on earth may be on the way to extinction, in the most horrible way". The report quickly saying this on the first page calling climate change is the greatest threat to not only human civilization but life in general only after nuclear war. The report quickly calls for strong leaders in government and radical action to stop this threat from reaching us.

     One of the scary ideas that the report states is that most of the climate reports are downplayed to not cause panic. They even show that in 2007 that every climate report beforehand had been downplayed to what really happened. Leading to the idea that even today our climate report might be downplayed to what really will happen to not cause panic. They point two different times that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) drastically downplayed their findings as quick example of how bad they downplay their findings. The report says that we probably reach the 1.5 degrees Celsius boundary by 2030 instead of 2040 and reach 2 degrees Celsius by 2045. It also points out the fact that we probably reach 5 degrees Celsius by 2100 even with the Paris climate agreement. We probably start seeing the destructive nature of 3 degrees Celsius sometime in the 2050's. While 4 degree will be destructive to entire ecosystem and completely unstable to life on Earth.

With that information i will tell you the reports scenarios for the next 30 years. If we fail to act on this information between 2020 through 2030 we will for sure reach 3 degrees in the future. We should use this time to start a zero emission economy. Warming probably reach 1.6 degrees Celsius by 2030. Between 2030 and 2050 emissions will probably start to fall by 80% but at that point it will be too late. At minimum we will reach 2.4 degrees but there is a possibility that we will reach 3 degrees. There is even a 5 percent chance we can reach 3.5 to 4 degrees warming.

The rest of this article would be posted in the second part of this article

Here is a link to anyone who wants to read it for themselves

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